
About Privacy Policy

At, we understand the importance of security and privacy for our clients. We are committed to protecting the data provided by our clients and complying with regulatory requirements. Our privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and share client data when they utilise the contents of our website, use our mobile application, or interact with our customer service team. We value our client's business and encourage them to follow our usage guidelines. By accessing our website or other sales channels, clients agree to the terms of this privacy policy.

Please note that this privacy policy only applies to our website and mobile application and not to any third-party websites or products that may be linked to our site.

Our privacy policy is an integral part of your client agreement with

Collection of Data :

The Information we are collecting regarding the matter is to provide you with the services you chose and fulfill our legal commitment to the third parties as per our User Agreement. The user's Personal Information shall include name, gender, marital status, religion, phone number, email address, and Debit/Credit card details using the site.

Cookies and Session data:

Our website utilizes cookies to tailor your browsing experience and personalize the advertisements you see. Cookies are small bits yet very relavant pisces of information which gets stored on your hard drive by your browser. They enable us to serve you more effectively and efficiently. Note that most web browsers accept cookies automatically.

Additionally, your session data is logged every time you access our website. This data may include your IP address, operating system, browser type, and on-site activities.

With whom your personal Information is shared:

Your Information shall be shared with the end service providers like Airlines, Hotels, or any other suppliers responsible for executing your booking. Your Information can be shared in the same group as the company to improve the services' efficiency. We may also share certain Information with our corporate alliances or business acquaintances who may contact you to offer certain products or services for market research, surveys, etc.

How we use your personal Information:

When you provide us with your Information, we may use it to offer and receive services, enhance the website and send you promotional messages. When making a reservation, your Personal Information may be used and authorized for storage by you.

We may also use the Information to:

  • Confirm your reservations
  • Updates or changes in the bookings
  • Authenticate your account and prevent any misuse or abuse
  • Give special offers on birthday/Anniversary
  • Conduct Surveys to enhance services available on the website
  • Marketing promotions to improve user experienc

Security of your Information:

We greatly safeguard your Personal Information by implementing physical, electronic, and organizational security measures. These measures help ensure your Information is not accidentally destroyed, unlawfully disclosed or accessed without permission. Your card details are encrypted, and you can log in to your account to manage your specific card information. You can delete, edit, or add card details as needed.

Use of intellectual property:

Please note that all content, images, logos, symbols, and other intellectual property on our website are exclusively owned by us and are protected by copyright laws. Any commercial use of our Information without our permission is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action to recover damages. Thank you for respecting our property.

The price change is subject to the industry norms:

Please note that all content, images, logos, symbols, and other intellectual property on our website are exclusively owned by us and are protected by copyright laws. Any commercial use of our Information without our permission is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action to recover damages. Thank you for respecting our property.

Our Privacy Policy may be revised occasionally to comply with legal, business, and customer needs. If you have any concerns or inquiries, contact us at, and we will address them promptly and reasonably.
